Making Sustainability
Your Competitive Advantage

Right now,
organisations like yours have a unique opportunity to build a restorative business model that not only benefits business,
but also society, and the environment.

When you apply circular economy principles
to innovative solutions tailored for your business,
you can turn sustainability into a competitive advantage and accelerate your sustainable transformation.

Prepare to unlock your circular advantage!

Inspiring Change That Leads To Sustainable Impact

I am passionate about people,
the planet, and business.

And I don’t believe there is a disconnect between the three.

Hi, I’m John.




It started with the global waste crisis

As a Lebanese-Australian, the global waste dilemma hit both of my home countries in quick succession — from the 2015 Lebanese trash crisis to the 2018 Australian recycling infrastructure disaster.

These two events sparked an instinctive reaction to inspire and empower people to lead environmental and societal change, both on an individual and collective level.

Which sparked my passion for normalising the circular economy

In 2018 I challenged myself to fit 2 years of personal trash into a jar. After discovering how hard reducing waste was as an individual, I quickly realised there was a genuine need for systems change and new solutions — especially within businesses.

And uncovered an opportunity for change

In response, I founded Boom Containers in 2020 as one of many solutions to waste reduction and I began consulting for organisations seeking to adopt, standardise, and scale the circular economy within their business model.

Today, your organisation has an
opportunity to be a force for change and achieve a global leap in sustainability.

Imagine What Your Actions Can Do For The Planet

Increase Your
Competitive Advantage

With strategic actions and pathways that
decrease your environmental footprint

Imagine if your organisation could reduce its waste
and improve society while maintaining desirable profit margins.

Well, it can!

Imagine if your organisation could reduce its wast
and improve society while maintaining desirable profit margins.

Well, it can!

By applying a systems approach and circular thinking across your business model, I can help you navigate your circular advantage and identify strategic actions that accelerate change towards sustainability.

Whether your goal is to identify your waste streams or adopt sustainable practices into your culture — together, we’ll design and execute holistic solutions that help your business feed into the circular economy.

Like your business, no consulting package is the same.

Sustainability Assessment

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Waste Reduction Workshop

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Capacity Building — Workshop Series

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Waste Audit

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Let’s Connect